Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Presentation Peer Reviews 2

Argument – Photo manipulation can change our perception without us even realizing it. Present day lives rely heavily on editing to attain beauty; we should focus on natural beauty and natural appearance.
Strengths – Great photo manipulation – really shows the difference between before and after
Improvements – Once entered into a PowerPoint, really establish and clarify a specific argument, there are many that can be made and I’m not sure whether or not you’re for or against photo manipulation, or both.
Argument – There are a lot of different places in America with different features that hold history and unique stories, the audience should be interested and visit them.
Strengths – Good Color Contrast, Visual Interest is Unique
Improvements – Add borders around states maybe? Effectively Utilize White Space/ Develop Concrete Argument.
Argument – There are delicious creations that the audience should buy.
Strengths – Well organized & easy on the eyes, creates an easy route throughout the site
Improvements – Maybe make a little more use of the whitespace, Maybe create a little more in-depth details. Watch the title placement, make sure audience knows about content below first glace.
Argument – I’d imagine the argument is something about informing the audience about the presidential campaign for 2012. (can’t read it)
Strengths – Visually appealing, intellectually relevant and intriguing
Improvements – Clarify your argument more specifically -- I think what you’re getting at is that they’re very similar and there is not much difference, but I am not sure what your final stance is.
Argument – Challenge yourself to write a novel in the 30 days of November, at least 50k words.
Strengths – Looks very clean, I like the color scheme. I like the font choice as well.
Improvements – maybe utilize the white space a little more with some photos, maybe of some past winners? Is there any incentive for the audience to write a novel? Any competitions any rewards?
Argument – Though campus cafeterias are convenient, they are overpriced and essentially ripping the students and whoever else eats there off.
Strengths – Good visual layout/format for your argument. I like the way the site is simple but compelling. I like the idea of the info graphic
Improvements – Establish a set clarified thesis statement, and make sure you have a conclusion to bring closure to the subject.
Argument –  It is a blog about Hannah’s sister, arguing that her blog posts are inviting and inspiring.
Strengths – I like the fun creativity that the fonts represent and also the colors represent
Improvements – It is a little too bright, is there any way you can mildly dim down the background?
Argument – We are a generation of millennials, and we have been brain-washed to think in a non-humble way, but if we use our generational skills we can achieve great things.
Strengths – I like the medium in which it was produced, I enjoyed the pop of text with the picture background
Improvements –  make sure you align the text properly where it needs to be, take a look at the music, and slow down some of the slides/credits.
Argument – Call Halonen Landscaping to get a free estimate on premier in lawn & garden care
Strengths – Visually appealing ( I like the pop of green )
Improvements –  Maybe emphasize the argument a bit more

Presentation Peer Reviews Part 2

Main Argument:
The main argument is that horoscopes and astrology are falsehoods disproved by science, and have an overall negative impact on society.
The piece is very informational and claims seem to be well supported; the design and color pallet are both appealing and well related to the theme overall.
Break up arguments into different pages or use anchor tags to simplify navigation of site; also make sure format is uniform throughout site.

Main Argument:
Photos can be edited and manipulated to make the subject appear completely different, and possibly more socially acceptable; this manipulation has changed our view of social norms.
Photo manipulation is well done and proves the point very well; I thought it was really easy to see the argument even before you explained it.
Having an explanation of how this argument relates to society as a whole and why it is important will make the presentation much stronger; putting it into context will clarify exactly what the argument is and make it more relatable to viewers.

Main Argument:
All of the 48 contiguous states have images associated specifically with them; these may be natural scenes or landmarks that have been built there; it also encourages the audience to travel the United States.
The design is interesting and visually appealing; the contrast provides depth and diversity within the image.
Finish up editing so that all states are aligned.

Main Argument:
This site is a place to both advertise and sell "UP Unique Creations," an assortment of products made in the UP.
Site is easy to understand, tabs at top are easy to navigate.
Clarify exactly what is being sold from the start; maybe include something at the top of the page. Also, make it easier to see that there is more to scroll down to.

Main Argument: Candidate image in the presidential election is extremely important, almost to the point of being ridiculous; they must pay attention to image as much as they do policy.
Strength: The argument is clear; images are entertaining and appealing to the viewer. Each point seems well defined and expanded on, it is very informational.
Development: Even planning for a larger size, the text still seems a little small.

Main Argument: November is national novel writing month and you should participate by writing a novel.
Strength: Color scheme/contrast is good, very informational, argument is easy to see. Minimalist design supports argument.
Development: On last page, consider switching the "congratulations" and "don't worry" sections so that congratulations is on top.

Main Argument: Michigan Tech's meal plans are more expensive than simply buying food and preparing meals off campus would be; also, preparing your own food is a better option overall.
Strength: Very informative, and well supported by student surveys.
Development: Clarify some of the images with text descriptions.

Main Argument: Hannah's sister has interesting opinions and an inviting place for audiences to view them.
Strength: Background and layout is very visually appealing; it is personal and inviting.
Development: More whimsical font for post titles would tie in better with font of post itself; make "Everyday Effervescence" more visible.

Main Argument: We, as millenials, have traits, skills, and beliefs unlike any other generation and must find a way to use them to our advantage in finding jobs and success overall.
Strength: The video is relatable and the main argument is clear; the images relate well to the content.
Development: Fix sound/music

Main Argument: Halonen Landscaping is the best lawn and garden care firm and you should use them for your own landscaping needs.
Strength: Very clear argument, appealing visuals, very simple design conveys point well
Development: Shadow on "Premier.." makes the text seem a little blurry

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Woah say what?

So it seems to me at this point I have my entire project figured out. I just have some fine tuning and details to mash out and it'll be 100% complete! Which for me right now is super exciting! I didn't really expect to be this far along, especially with all I have to do on my plate right now!

For those of you that don't know I am making a website for my Mother's new business.

The biggest problem I had in the beginning of the assignment is not knowing what I was doing. I have never even seen a line of code before this project! How did I expect to create something that is going to attract customers as well as get me a good grade on this assignment.

I found a website called Wix. Quite honestly I found it really helpful and allowed me to create a website that was better than the one I tried to create on my own. It helped my project an unbelievable amount! I am really exicited to finish this project. I still have to jump through hoops (finishing an online store without going over budget for example) but in the end I think that this assignment will turn out to be something I can be proud of!

Now woah...say what? Finally having a project I am not totally stressing at the last minute? I think I can deal with this!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


    This seems to happen to me every single time I am working on a big project. I get some idea in my head that I'm really passionate about, put up walls around it, and dive headfirst without thinking ahead whatsoever. I originally picked Commuter Parking on campus, because it is an issue I face everyday, but even though it is a topic I am passionate about, I was coming up dry everywhere I looked for information. I wasn't getting any good ideas for a good digital media solutions, and I literally couldn't get myself to sit down and work on the project. Ever. I decided I need a new topic, something more attainable, especially because I knew my project on commuter parking wouldn't influence a single mind, they have been working on that issue for eons, and only seem to make negative changes, nothing for the better! So, here goes, I have a whole new topic and a stream of ideas behind it. It's crunch time!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A few more revisions!

So after thinking my project over some more and sleeping on it, I realized it may be too big for me to handle right now. This morning I came up with a revised topic and media...

Instead of examining all generations of the 20th century, I will simply look at the Millennials, or the "Next Generation," aka the young adults of today. I plan on looking at how technology has influenced our personalities and perhaps how this may affect our lives in the workplace when/if we get jobs.

And I also acknowledged the fact that I lack a fair amount of artistic skills, so I'd rather not struggle with an infographic. Instead, I plan on creating a short video since I have quite a bit of experience with it.

Yup. That's all. Peace.

Most Inspirational Video Ever.

For Formal Sorority Recruitment this year, we played a video the night FSR kicked off made by the National Panhellenic Council. This video outlined why girls should give sorority life a chance, and why we wanted them to join. It's not an overly complex video, it's really just words sliding across a screen; the music played in the background, however, is probably the most inspirational music I have ever heard. Watching the  video, I felt like everything it said reaffirmed all the reasons I joined Greek life. The only way to describe it is moving, so turn your volume up nice and loud, and watch it: Our Potential: Your Move. This video is the perfect example of how every part of your project counts, as the music just makes the video, and it forces the viewer to feel what they are saying. So that's my schpiel, and I hope you watch the video!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

KSO "From Russia with Love"

    Last night I had the opportunity to usher the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra (KSO) and their performance "From Russia with Love."  The show featured pieces by Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Shostakovic, all Russian composers with very different composition styles.  Overall the performance was a wonderful experience and left me entranced in the haunting melodies of Tchaikovsky and inspired by the almost satirical styles of Shostakovic.
     Though all of the pieces were performed extremely well, the mixture of back-story and execution of the Shostakovic made it stand out from the other numbers.  Raised in in Russia directly following World War II, Dimitri Shostakovic wrote musical numbers for the government and the Communist Party.  After expressing strong feelings of dissent towards the Communist Party, most of Shostakovic's music was banned from Russia.  In response to this ban, Shostakovic began to compose musical pieces that would start with strong, militaristic movements shortly followed by weak, almost cartoon-esque endings.  This was emphasized in the KSO by having the brass section play loud, oppressive notes (representing military oppression) and following these sections with high, quickly resolved chords by the strings and high wind instruments. 
   Though all of the movements were performed well, I feel the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra did an especially fantastic job on the Shostakovic movement.  I look forward to seeing more performances by the KSO, and would recommend the shows to anyone who appreciates good orchestral music or is interested in them.  If interested, you can get tickets with your experience tech fee with no cost if you pick the tickets up early.  Hope to see you there!